Litgrid AB will provide direction and advice on storage-to-grid integration requirements, and smart meter integration requirements, on compatibility with regulations, on prosumer business models and dissemination of Project’s results. It will participate in WP4, WP6,WP7 and WP8.
Litgrid AB, the Lithuanian electricity transmission system operator, maintains a stable operation of the national power system, controls electricity flows, and enables competition in an open domestic electricity market. Litgrid is responsible for integrating the national power system into the European power infrastructure and electricity market. The company is implementing strategic electricity cross-border links, namely, NordBalt (Lithuania-Sweden) and LitPol Link (Lithuania-Poland).
Litgrid is a member of the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E). Litgrid actively uses this membership in implementing the projects on electricity market integration, synchronisation with the continental European grids, and international power links.
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